Georgia: Promoting Digital Transformation through GovTech
Poster: Georgia
2022-2030 Unified National Strategy of Education and Science
Poster: Georgia
Spanish national research infrastructures (ICTS map 2022)
Spain has the so-called Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures ("Infraestructuras Científico-Técnicas Singulares", ICTS) organized in the "ICTS Map". Access to these infrastructures allows the use of cutting-edge technology, the acquisition of highly specialized training, attracting…
Poster: Spain
Científicas en cifras 2023 (Figures of women in science)
The Government of Spain, through dialogue and social collaboration, is developing a roadmap to walk towards a better collective destiny, towards a more equal, prosperous and sustainable society, only achieving a fair and efficient transformation of the country by managing to attract and retain the…
Poster: Spain
National Open Science Strategy 2023-2027 (Estrategia Nacional de Ciencia Abierta, ENCA)
The National Open Science Strategy (ENCA, the Strategy) 2023-2027 has the mission of strengthening the quality, transparency and reproducibility of scientific activity in Spain, of improving dissemination among scientific personnel and transfer to society and of designing the ways in which our…
Poster: Spain
National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030 Ireland
The National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030 outlines objectives and actions for the next chapter in Ireland’s transition towards open research. It was prepared by the National Open Research Forum (NORF) and is aligned with national strategic priorities agreed in Ireland’s national R…
Poster: Ireland
Ireland’s National IP Protocol
Ireland's National Intellectual Property (IP) Protocol, which facilitates the commercialisation of publicly funded research, provides a practical framework for businesses, from start-ups and SMEs to large multinationals and entrepreneurs to access and utilise publicly funded research. The current…
Poster: Ireland
Impact 2030 - Ireland's National Research and Innovation Strategy
Ireland launched its national R&I strategy, Impact 2030, in May 2022. This whole-of-government strategy positions research and innovation at the heart of addressing Ireland's societal, economic and environmental challenges.
Impact 2030 is composed of five pillars:
Impact of R&I on our…
Poster: Ireland - Ministry for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
Positieve evaluatie Permanente Commissie Grootschalige Wetenschappelijke Infrastructuur
Positive evaluation of the Permanent Committee on Large-scale Scientific Infrastructure.
Poster: The Netherlands