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European Research Area Platform

ERA Monitoring Reports

This page provides you with the complete set of ERA monitoring reports. Benefitting from the advice of the ERA Forum, the European Commission produces an ERA Scoreboard, an ERA Dashboard, and ERA Country Reports on a yearly basis. In addition, a review of the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda is published every 18 months ('EU-level Report'). For transparency purposes, accompanying reports on data and methodology are also published.


Please find below the reporting for the year 2023:


A. EU-level Report
The EU-level Report reviews the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda every 18 months in view of steering the ongoing ERA Policy Agenda and preparing its reviews and updates that will be discussed and approved by the Council. The report maps trends towards achieving the ERA priorities over a longer period, outlines the implementation state of play of each ERA Action (between January 2022 and Summer 2023, i.e. 18 months), and provides insights related to Member States and Associated Countries, where relevant, to exemplify the findings from the EU-level.
EU-level Report 2023 - Full Report or READ ONLINE!
EU-level Report 2023 - Executive Summary


B. ERA Scoreboard
The ERA Scoreboard assesses the overall consolidation and collective progress of ERA priorities by displaying aggregated data at EU level for 18 indicators.
ERA Scoreboard Report 2023- Full Report
ERA Scoreboard 2023 - Methodology Report
ERA Scoreboard 2023 - Data Base


C. ERA Dashboard
The ERA Dashboard provides a more detailed monitoring of progress towards the ERA priorities at national level through a combination of quantitative indicators and qualitative analyses that accommodate the different circumstances of Member States and that relate to the ERA priorities.
ERA Dashboard Report 2023 - Full Report
ERA Dashboard Report 2023 - Executive Summary
ERA Dashboard 2023 - Methodology Report
ERA Dashboard 2023 - Data Base
ERA Scoreboard/ERA Dashboard 2023 - Replication Package


D. ERA Country Reports
The ERA Country Reports present a qualitative assessment of each country's (all EU Member States plus 12 Countries associated to Horizon Europe) progress in implementing the ERA policy agenda as well as a quantitative analysis of its progress towards achieving the ERA priorities (based on ERA Dashboard data). Additionally, the reports identify country-specific drivers that foster or barriers that hamper the achievement of the ERA objectives.
ERA Country Reports 2023


E. Other reports
The report presents the challenges of the 2023 ERA monitoring indicators and identifies potential improvements to the ERA Scoreboard and ERA Dashboard for 2024.
Report on methods to improve the Scoreboard and the Dashboard