Research careers are at the heart of the European Research Area. It is thanks to our research talents that research and innovation can address societal needs and ensure competitiveness of Europe on the global arena.
Action 4 of the first ERA Policy Agenda (2022-2024) aims at strengthening research careers in Europe and making them more attractive for EU and international research talents. Since 2022, a significant number of important outcomes have been delivered to make careers in Europe more attractive and sustainable. Notably, the Council Recommendation on a European framework to attract and retain research, innovation and entrepreneurial talents in Europe, including the new European Charter for Researchers (December 2023), establishes new standards for research careers in Europe.
Horizon Europe, the current framework programme for research and innovation, plays a key role in fostering better research careers. It supports a variety of resources, tools and projects contributing in a synergetic way to addressing challenges of researchers, research performing and funding organisations, and policy makers.
For example, Horizon Europe supports the implementation of the new standards for research careers by stakeholders at all levels. A Mutual Learning Exercise on Research Careers has been launched under the Horizon Europe Policy Support Facility to foster implementation of the new framework and exchange of good practices at Member States level. Horizon Europe also funds projects that support cooperation and exchange of good practices to advance implementation of the new standards by relevant research and innovation actors (e.g., employers of researchers in the public and private sector).
On this page, you can find relevant resources and tools, ongoing projects and upcoming calls for proposals, and insights on outcomes and impacts of Horizon Europe support to research careers.
Resources and tools
The European Competence Framework for Researchers supports researchers’ transversal skills and inter-sectoral mobility.
Research and Innovation Careers Observatory
Observatory to monitor trends in research and innovation careers.
Web portal offering tailored information, job opportunities, and much more for researchers and research performing organisations.
EU TalentOn
Contest for talented early-career researchers to find scientific solutions to the most pressing global issues.
HR Excellence in Research
The HR Excellence in Research award is granted to organisations striving to align their HR policies to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers.
Pan-European occupational pension solution designed for R&I organisations and their employees.
Mutual Learning Exercise on research careers
Fosters the exchange of good practices between Member States on the implementation of the new standards for research careers.
Listen to stakeholders