The first ERA Policy Agenda sets out voluntary ERA actions for the period 2022-2024 to contribute to the priority areas defined in the Council Recommendation on a Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe (Pact for R&I).
It is a first step to addressing comprehensively the priority areas set out in the Pact for R&I. Subsequent editions of the ERA Policy Agenda will further complement these actions in the long term.
The list of actions draws mainly on the Commission’s Communication ‘A new ERA for Research and Innovation’ of September 2020 and on the Council conclusions of December 2020 on the ‘New European Research Area’. It also takes into account the Council conclusions on ‘Deepening the ERA: Providing researchers with attractive and sustainable careers and working conditions and making brain circulation a reality’ of May 2021 and on the ‘Global approach to Research and Innovation’ of September 2021.
The development of this list profited from the debates held in the ERA Forum for Transition, a Commission expert group that facilitated an intense co-design process between the Commission and the Member States, Associated Countries other EU bodies and R&I stakeholders during 2021.