You are interested in the progress the EU, its Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe are making towards achieving the ERA objectives as set out on the Pact for R&I and in an assessment of the state-of-play of the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda?
The Country Map and the “ERA PERFORMANCE INDICATORS” provide you with all the necessary information on how Europe is fairing in implementing the revamped European Research Area! By clicking on a country, you will be able to learn about what each country is doing to implement the ERA actions or to download the entire ERA Country Report 2023.
The ERA performance indicators are a set of indicators (based on publicly available data and endorsed by the ERA Forum) to assess progress made by the EU towards achieving the ERA priorities as set out in the Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe. These indicators are updated on an annual basis and published in an ERA Scoreboard report and an ERA Dashboard report.