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ERA Documents and Data repository

Opinion of the partnership knowledge hub on European partnerships under the future EU Framework Programme ('FP10')
The Opinion of the Partnership Knowledge Hub on European Partnerships under the future EU Framework Programme ('FP10') aims to advice the European Commission when preparing its proposal for the next Framework Programme and consequently that the co-legislators in Parliament and…
Poster: European Commission
European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures
The European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures sets out non-regulatory principles and guidelines to be used as a reference when defining Access policies for Research Infrastructures and related services.
Poster: European Commission
Strategiska tekniker för Sverige - Ett underlag för nationella prioriteringar
Geopolitisk osäkerhet, accelererande teknikutveckling och global kapprustning har ökat vikten av ambitiös och målinriktad teknikpolitik. Internationella rapporter om förutsättningar för konkurrenskraft pekar tydligt på behov av stora, synkroniserade satsningar inom forskning och innovation. De…
Poster: Sweden/Vinnova
ERA Forum subgroup on Action 5 - FP10 position paper
Poster: European Commission
Georgia’s Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (2023)
Poster: Georgia
Georgia: Promoting Digital Transformation through GovTech
Poster: Georgia
2022-2030 Unified National Strategy of Education and Science
Poster: Georgia
Spanish national research infrastructures (ICTS map 2022)
Spain has the so-called Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures ("Infraestructuras Científico-Técnicas Singulares", ICTS) organized in the "ICTS Map". Access to these infrastructures allows the use of cutting-edge technology, the acquisition of highly specialized training, attracting…
Poster: Spain
Científicas en cifras 2023 (Figures of women in science)
The Government of Spain, through dialogue and social collaboration, is developing a roadmap to walk towards a better collective destiny, towards a more equal, prosperous and sustainable society, only achieving a fair and efficient transformation of the country by managing to attract and retain the…
Poster: Spain