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European Research Area Platform

ERA Documents and Data repository

Preliminary Position of the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria to the Preparation of the Tenth EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
This document outlines FP10 preparation incorporating insights from Bulgarian stakeholders. It refrains from preempting Bulgaria’s position during the negotiations on the next Multiannual Financial Framework or FP10.
Poster: Bulgaria
RIMA - Report on European Synergies of Funds
The report is an outcome of the work in the RIMA group and designed to analyse the “synergetic” activities that the Member States carried out during the programming periods 2014-2020 and 2020-2027, facilitating "access to excellence", presenting "success examples", challenges and recommendations.…
Poster: European Commission
She Figures 2024
She Figures 2024 report serves as a key source of comparable, Europe-wide statistics on gender equality in Research and Innovation. Read more and download the report and policy briefs at:…
Poster: European Commission
Zero-tolerance code of conduct. Counteracting gender-based violence, including sexual harassment, in the EU research and innovation system
This document was developed by the ERA Forum sub-group ‘Inclusive Gender Equality in the ERA’, in close cooperation with the European Commission. It aims to address incidents of gender-based violence in research and higher education environments by setting out a common approach, definitions, and a…
Poster: European Commission
Framework for the integration and evaluation of inclusive gender analysis in research and innovation content
The document provides guidance to national authorities and research and innovation funding organisations on policy measures to ensure the effective implementation and evaluation of the integration of the gender dimension into research and innovation content from an intersectional perspective.…
Poster: European Commission
Impact of gender equality plans in the European Research Area. Report, policy briefs and leaflet.
The study “Impact of gender equality plans across the European research area” analyses recent key policy developments regarding GEPs in research and innovation organisations at the EU, national and institutional level and presents seven policy briefs covering the topics such as monitoring and…
Poster: European Commission
ANNEX (Detailed explanation of ERA structural policies and ERA actions)
Poster: European Commission
Proposal for a Council Recommendation on the European Research Area Policy Agenda 2025-2027
The Commission proposal stems from close coordination between the Commission, Member States, Horizon Europe Associated Countries and European stakeholders, who have collaboratively shaped the content of the next ERA Policy Agenda in the ERA Forum. 
Poster: European Commission
INSPIRING ERA Report "How to make Research Careers more sustainable and attractive? Ways to benefit from the new EU-level policies and tools"
Poster: European Commission