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European Research Area Stakeholder Conference 2024

Wrapping Up the ERA Conference 2024: A Look Back at the Highlights


The conference took place in Brussels with over 300 in-person and more than 1000 online participants, discussing how to advance the European Research Area. It has been organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, with the support of the Horizon Europe INSPIRING ERA project.


As part of the conference, an exhibition featured 18 successful EU-funded projects supporting the implementation of the first  ERA Policy Agenda (2022-2024) and contributing to improving the ERA. To learn more about these projects please follow this link.


The conference was held at a pivotal moment: four years after the revamp of the ERA was initiated and just before adoption Council conclusions Hungarian Presidency as well as a Communication on ERA by the Commission. It is also marks a moment of transition between the current and next ERA Policy Agendas (2022-2024 and 2025-2027). READ THE CONFERENCE REPORT PREPARED BY INSPRING ERA.







Curious about the exciting lineup of speakers and sessions? THE FULL AGENDA CAN BE FOUND HERE


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Still interested ? Dive deeper into the conference content


Read former Commissioner Janez Potocnik’s inspirational speech, which opened the conference.

In his speech, he addressed the multiple crises facing the world, emphasizing the need to shift from an economy focused on unlimited growth to one centred on human well-being, sustainability, and resource efficiency. Potocnik highlighted the importance of systemic reforms in governance, advocating for deeper global cooperation and the transformation of key areas, like energy and mobility. In the European context, he stressed the need for the EU to strengthen its strategic role and advance the European Research Area and the free movement of knowledge. He concluded with a call for science-based policymaking, collective responsibility, and optimism for a green and more equitable future.


Explore and re-watch the different plenary sessions by clicking on the links below

ERA Conference Day 1 (18 September 2024)

Conference opening
Watch former Commissioner Janez Potocnik’s inspirational speech and the opening of Director-General Marc Lemaître.


ERA revamped: four years later
In this session, researchers and policymakers review achievements of the first ERA Policy Agenda (2022-24) and discussed future challenges.


Inclusive gender equality: shaping the future
This session highlights ERA's progress on gender equality plans, violence prevention, inclusiveness, and intersectionality.


Scientific freedom and research security
Panellists discuss the importance of protecting scientific freedom in the ERA, its role in innovation, and strategies to safeguard research security.

ERA Conference Day 2 (19 September 2024)

Keynote speech by Commissioner Iliana Ivanova and signature of the funding agreement on the Research and Innovation Careers Observatory (ReICO)


Boosting R&I investments and reforms to secure Europe’s long-term competitiveness
Panellists explore how current actions can bridge the R&I investment gap, how to implement reforms and achieve the 3% R&D target by 2030 for Europe's competitiveness.


Closing session
In an open dialogue with the audience, Barbara Weitgruber and Marc Lemaître look back at the conference and reflect on how the different topic areas can contribute to the realisation of the fifth freedom as well as a more competitive Europe.