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European Research Area Platform

European Research and Innovation Area Committee

ERAC, the European Research and Innovation Area Committee, is a strategic policy advisory committee, providing early advice to the Council, the Commission and the Member States on research and innovation policy issues. 

ERAC’s tasks include: 

  • to advise on strategic policy orientation and future trends that require the refinement of Union and national, including regional, R&I policies, including on the current and the next Union R&I Framework Programme and other relevant R&I-driven Union initiatives;
  • to initiate updates of the ERA policy agenda, by providing early strategic advice informed, among other things, by consideration of the progress made in ongoing ERA actions;
  • to reflect and provide advice on new policy demands which fulfil the ERA policy agenda criteria, throughout the implementation of the ERA policy agenda;
  • to interact with governance and coordination structures at a similar level in other relevant policy areas, such as higher education and industry.

ERAC's mandate

ERAC is co-chaired by the Director-General of DG RTD and by an elected Member States’ co-chair (with a term of three years). In March 2023, Marc Lemaitre took over as co-chair for the European Commission. From January 2022 to January 2025, Barbara Weitgruber, the Austrian Director-General for Scientific Research and International Relations, has been acting as Member States' co-chair. Since February 2025, Feite Hofman, Director General of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, is the Member States' co-chair.

Following up on discussions in plenary, ERAC may decide to adopt ERAC opinions or summary conclusions on issues of joint strategic relevance. This was e.g. the case for the ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024 (ERAC Opinion on the ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024). On 26 June 2024 ERAC adopted its Opinion on the 2nd ERA Policy Agenda 2025-2027.

ERAC also adopted a Report on the role of R&I for the recovery of Ukraine (ERAC Report Ukraine) and Summary Conclusions on its policy debate about a European Science for Policy ecosystem.