The Commission has announced the results of the latest 2024 European Research Area call under the Horizon Europe WIDERA Work Programme 2023-2025.
The funded projects address the ERA policy priorities of bringing science closer to citizens, strengthening knowledge valorisation and supporting early research careers.
Bringing science closer to citizens
Brest (France), Kiel (Germany) and Split (Croatia) are the three cities at the centre of the new initiative ‘Science comes to town’. In 2026, they will host a joint one-year programme of activities aiming to increase their citizens and local communities’ trust in science and to showcase the importance of Research and Innovation in society. The programme of activities will also include established events, such as the European Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) and the European Contest for Early-Career Researchers (EU TalentOn).
Explore how Horizon Europe supports citizens engagement
Strengthening knowledge valorisation
The topic ‘Experimentation and exchange of good practices for value creation’ awards three new projects, which will strengthen knowledge valorisation by transforming research results into societal benefits. These projects will test innovative approaches through experimentation and good practices to create new models and methods for more efficient knowledge uptake. They will also foster cooperation among key research and innovation partners such as academia, industry, small and medium-sized businesses, public authorities, policymakers, societal actors, and citizens.
Explore how Horizon Europe supports knowledge valorisation
Strengthening early research careers
The pilot call Talent ecosystems for attractive early research careers awards 10 projects creating researchers-centred ecosystems to provide attractive research careers and better employability. The ecosystems will bring together academic and non-academic partners, including businesses and industry, and will ensure close coordination of efforts to ensure that researchers, in particular at an early career stage, can be offered more and better opportunities for their careers.