Publication date:
1 year 2 months ago
The Commission has adopted the package on Wednesday 24/1/2024.
- The chapeau Communication acknowledges the progress made in strengthening the enforcement of the Horizon Europe safeguards. It can be consulted here: Communication: advancing European economic security: an introduction to five new initiatives
- In the Commission proposal for Council Recommendation on Research Security the Commission sets out several guidance and support actions to raise awareness and enhance resilience across Europe. Departing from key principles for responsible internationalisation, it contains recommendations to Member State authorities, while highlighting the pivotal role funding organisations play. It lists what can be done at the level of research performing organisations and concludes with EU level actions to support the Member States’ and R&I stakeholders’ efforts. It can be consulted here: ec_rtd_council-recommendation-research-security.pdf (
- The White Paper on options for enhancing support for research and development involving technologies with dual-use potential sets out three options for the future and with it the Commission is launching a public consultation that is open until 30 April. It can be consulted here: ec_rtd_white-paper-dual-use-potential.pdf ( We would be grateful for your help in promoting awareness of the ongoing public consultation with your national authorities and stakeholders. We remain available to provide any further technical information, including through dedicated meetings as appropriate.
All initiatives, including a press release, several factsheets and a memo, can be found here: New initiatives to strengthen economic security