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European Research Area Platform

Amplifying access to research and innovation excellence across the Union

15. Build-up research and innovation ecosystems to improve excellence and competitiveness

With the aim to improve the translation of R&I results into the economy, it is crucial to strengthen the innovation ecosystems for knowledge circulation and valorisation by establishing stronger interconnection between existing collaborative and supportive structures, engaging a diversity of stakeholders in multi-disciplinary and cross-sectorial collaborations.

The European Commission, in close collaboration with the European Committee of the Regions, the Member States and stakeholders, will conceptualise, pilot and launch the ERA Hubs across EU territory. The ERA Hub initiative has a clear added value that originates from the development of holistic knowledge strategies at regional level, based on a close collaboration of all relevant stakeholder of the quadruple helix and a structured collaboration key regional, national and European policies and programmes that can support place based-innovation eco-system. In addition, it serves as a knowledge platform to exploit existing strengths across the national R&I system while overcoming systemic and transformational weaknesses and allows synergies between the ERA Hubs (with a rather horizontal (ERA) focus) and other EU initiatives such as the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) or the Enterprise Europe Network (EENs), world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (with a more thematic focus).

• Define and pilot ERA Hubs to enable the emergence of competitive R&I ecosystems across the EU, to fill territorial gaps and to ensure easier flow of talents and investments    
• Consultation process on future bilateral R&I cooperation activities to strengthen and connect R&I excellence in the ERA


16. Improve EU-wide access to excellence

By acknowledging the necessity for increasing excellence in order to make use of the full potential of scientific resources in Europe, Action 16 aims at improving access to excellence across the EU’s R&I system and specifically support low R&I performing countries. Reaching this very ambitious objective will require the combination of many different existing tools and potentially new or reinforced ones, at both EU and Member State level. In this regard, Cohesion Policy, the Widening Programme under Horizon Europe, the R&I investments in the Recovery and Resilience Framework as well as the use of the Horizon Policy Support Facility or the Technical Support Instrument will play a fundamental, albeit insufficient role. In addition, concerned Member States will also need to prioritise R&I investments and reforms when needed in order to improve their R&I performance.

Against this backdrop, Action 16 will contribute to first, securing better coordination of R&I and Cohesion policy, creating a link between the two communities, including the setting up and strengthening of synergies between EU and national/regional funding programmes to raise impact and thus R&I performance; and second, identifying persistent bottlenecks to raise excellence and propose possible solutions that will also contribute to the closing of the existing innovation divide.

In order to meet these objectives, and following discussions in the ERA Forum, the Commission established the ‘Access to excellence’ – ‘R&I and Cohesion Managing Authorities’ Network (RIMA) subgroup to the ERA Forum to conduct the implementation of ERA Action 16 - EU-wide Access to Excellence.

In order to foster the interaction between the two communities, the Commission asked Member States for the nomination of two main representatives and two alternative representatives in this subgroup of the ERA Forum. Out of the four representatives per Member State, two (main and alternate) should be appointed from the national authorities responsible for research and innovation and two (main and alternate) from the national authorities responsible for cohesion policy in the area of research and innovation investments.

These representatives should maintain close links to national and regional authorities in charge of Cohesion policy and authorities in charge of the implementation of Horizon Europe in terms of collecting input and disseminating results. Associated Countries as well as other public entities and ERA stakeholder organisations were invited to the group as observers. The group is jointly chaired by DG Research and Innovation, DG Regional and Urban Policy and a Member States’ representative (namely from the Czech Republic).

The first meeting took place on 7 June 2023. It focused on key novelties in synergies, and some indications on the future work resulting from the recent European Court of Auditors synergies' audit, as well as other relevant initiatives for joining forces to improve the overall impact of EU R&I investment, such as Regional Innovation Valleys, the latest developments on Widening actions as well as the new Community of Practice on Smart Specialisation.

Member States' presentations and discussions focussed on how to improve R&I performance across Europe by better interacting between the two key R&I supporting EU programmes, Horizon Europe and Cohesion Policy. Member State R&I authorities and Cohesion policy bodies presented and exchanged experiences on a broad range of synergies. This included discussions on governance, such as existing cooperation between R&I actors at national level, and the exchanges on more operational aspects, such as first concrete cases of implementing the new toolbox for synergies as outlined in the published guidance notice on Horizon Europe – ERDF synergies.

17. Enhance public research institutions’ strategic capacity

Action 17 aims at enhancing the training and skills development of research management staff, foster the management competences of researchers and innovators, increase networking of research managers and promote the recognition of the R&I management profession at institutional and government levels.

A strong community of R&I managers plays a crucial role in supporting high-performing research entities, local ecosystems, and regions. It is essential to provide support to this community and bridge the gaps that exist in regions lagging behind. By ensuring excellence across the entire ERA, the flow of talent and investments can be facilitated.

The European Commission aims to establish robust management capacity and guidance for the stakeholders involved through the Research Management Initiative. This initiative, under Horizon Europe, will support research management by facilitating the European network for research and innovation managers, exploring certification and training programs, and providing policy support for Member States through mutual learning platforms on research management.

The primary outcome expected from Action 17 is the implementation of a Research Management Initiative, which will involve at least 100 public research performing and research funding organisations and their research management staff in networking programs.